Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages

No Spam
This morning when I checked my blog, I was elated to discover a deluge of comments. At last, I thought someone was reading what I write and writing back to show what they thought of my ideas or me. But the ecstasy was only momentary. One sentence down the comments and the identity of the anonymous benefactors was revealed. SPAMMERS!

Unwillingly I have no option but to give the fingers of potential commentators on my blog a little more trouble. You have to take additional trouble (as if reading my posts was not trouble enough), identify the letters (often twisted beyond recognition) and type them in for word verification. Hope this helps.

An interesting fact about spam which I just discovered (thanks to Wikipedia) is that spam is a backronym, a phenomenon which initially exists as a short word and is later expanded into a phrase. Hence SPAM = Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages or Several Posts A Minute.


  1. nice one there..:)but i think its lil troublesome for ppl like me who genuinely comment....lol

  2. "Quite informative post bt you..tnx..
    And very happy to see you on my blog...keep visiting..."

    spam again...

  3. lol anonymous 4 ur Stupid Pointless Annoying Message....

    u worked hard on spamming....lol...great job...

  4. Hi there.

    Oh, this is a great blog!

    I like your layout. To see the exact reverse, please visit THIS SITE!


  5. it seems that ur hard working was in vain. i can still find spam comments here. so we the genuine comment makers are the only one having troble because of ur stupid idea.


Rave, rant... whatever (except spam and abuse, which'll be promptly deleted).

Alternatively, you can email me at c...@g...l.com or send a text message to +91 9911155171 (Text only number).