Saturday, October 29, 2005

Munnabhai, MA (Double), LLB, MBA, Diploma in ...

I still recall the last paper of by university degree exam. I was elated. Not because my pre-results calculations had arrived at the conclusion that I'll manage to scrape through respectfully, but due to a sense of freedom. Freedom from the mandatory memorising. I liked to study but hated exams and still do. I believed that I have just sat through the last examination of my life and was basking in my newfound stress less existence.

How wrong I was. I finally found my freedom six semesters later (I quit one course halfway through). Now when many of my colleagues come to me asking for leaves - to appear for exams - I ask them, "Haven't you had enough?" Some of them are pursuing multiple courses simultaneously. Some through correspondence and others regular courses - where the institutes do not demand regular attendance.

What do they do with their degrees anyway? Helps in career enhancement, they say. Do they? Do degrees make a man? Whatever may be the answer, I'm not going to sit for another exam.


  1. hey, me too! but i still have to take a few more exams before i finish my PhD, i think i have paseed this mental age of attending classes and sitting for exams, i love working in the lab on my own though!!

  2. Just checking to see if your ok.
    I heard about the bombings.

    #$@%&*$#@ TERRORISTS!

  3. I'm fine guys. But many others aren't.

  4. some take up courses to divert their attention from the monotony of their jobs. many still go to school for career advancement, i suppose.

  5. Agree with you. Yeah, yeah! I've had enoughhh *phew*!!

  6. i hate exams but have
    to sit for loads

  7. browsing ur blog for something else..and stumbled upon this one..ha..this perfectly depicts my present status of mind. when i told mom today that i've cancelled GRe plans she said, but u can't be just an least do an mba. no way,not anymore..i cant stand any more years of studying(which is a torture)..would love to even give up this 1 yr.. but can't.


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