Saturday, November 19, 2005

The 2nd Shillong Wine Festival

Shillong is said to be famous for its three Ws – Wine, Weather and Women. For a taste of the first of the fabled Ws, I went for some sips at the 2nd Shillong Wine Festival. On reaching the venue we discovered that they were charging a relatively exorbitant head price. Already down on cash from the lunching and dining at some of the city’s reputedly reputed eating joints, we thought of giving the display of the locally brewed wines a skip.

For once the thought of using my press privileges for a free entry entered my greedy mind. But thankfully good sense prevailed and I proved once again that I’m at best - a pseudo-journalist. We quietly drove back home with parched throats.


  1. you had a taste of the 1st W. the 2nd is a given. anything on the 3rd? hehe.

  2. The third must have shaved off at least 10% points from my Graduation aggregate marks, ;-) not that I regret.. And the combination of the three is oh so heady, exams be damned....

  3. me to have the same question as abaniko. answer?????

  4. aren't we missing sumthing here??;)I'm with abaniko and dwaipayan on

    yeah, I read about the Shillong WIne Fest in the's shame u decided to skip it...heard that it's supposed on of the best


  5. Hello, I am with Abaniko too. we want the full story :D

  6. Hey Soumyadip, you missed the wine, what about the women? And who makes up the "we" in your post?

  7. hey,,,just answer the q and ignore the typos....

  8. During my days in Shillong I had a heady mixture of all the three Ws. But thankfully without any disastrous consequences, managed to scrape through school, college and dropped out of the university with my grades in average shape and an unbroken heart (a few scratches can always be ignored). The weather here is lovely, the wine superb and the women ...

    And to let the wandering minds to rest, the 'we' here only referred to me, my brother and my sis-in-law. Sorry for the lack of masala.

    And stop pulling my leg. ;-)

  9. awww, dat was such a bummer!


  10. Soumya you should post some photos of Shillong.

  11. Hmmm.. thik acchey. Though, I highly doubt it if you should be announcing all the masala stuff on a blog! :)

    (To AquaM, Abaniko, Anthony, Dwaipayan, Rita and Gypsy: Sorry guys, I love playing the devil's advocate!)

  12. Awww.. I have never been to one of those.. is it one of the Fetes that usually happen :) in Garrison Ground

  13. anyway, soumyadip.why r not u posting ??? where r u now?

  14. Hmmmm... the question is Soumya would some others of us have done the same - Most journo's I know would have pulled rank!
    No posts in some time?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Sorry guys for the momentary pause in my posts. Was actually too much preoccupied with travelling and meeting buddies and relatives. But now I have a lot of drafts scribbled on my notebook to post.

    Avik, I sure will post lots of Shillong photos. I really went shutter-happy there.

    Accidental Fame Junkie, thanks for the support. These guys were really after me.

    Pallavi, noe there's a new venue for all the niche stuff. They organize them at the Crinoline Falls swimming pool. Nice place near Lady Hyderi Park.

    K, perhaps that has to something about me not being a 'full blown' jurno.


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