Friday, December 16, 2005

Counting Feathers of the Opposite Kind

Birds appeal to many of the human species. I too am not unimpressed by their vibrant feathers, graceful flight and melodious calls. A big favourite especially amongst aged politicians, lovebirds and peaceniks is the dove. The doves, rather their larger and stockier cousins - pigeons are out to destroy the very peace of my mind.

One of these afternoons I might just declare war, catch hold of a few of them and seal the very outlets through which they drop evidences of their presence on my laboriously washed white tees. They do it every Sunday. Somebody stop me!

Before I'm hauled up for even imagining to perform any such M-Seal act on the 'innocent' birds, let me move on to birds of a different feather. The watching of whom is a refined art. An art which roadside romeos have reduced to below the levels of calendar kitsch. These eve teasers make the real connoisseurs of the practice a little reluctant.

If it were not for the appreciative eyes, the female kind wouldn't have spent zillions of wow-man hours in preening themselves.

The trick is to look, but not to ogle. I-found-these-on-my-cleavage-are-these-your-eyeballs types give bird watching a bad name.

The attractor should feel that she's being noticed (not watched), but only to an extent where she doesn't feel uncomfortable. An appreciative glance tells her that the effort hasn't gone in vain. But guys (and also girls) keep shifting your focus. Don't concentrate too much on a single specimen. You never know - you might fall in love - and that takes the fun out of bird watching. There is so much beauty out there waiting to be appreciated.

Bird watching is not flirting; it's all about appreciation sans the vocal expression. It's a play of the eyes and the body language. Possessive, abusive and other negative traits have no space in this rewarding vocation. The reward here is that you made someone feel good.

Stalkers keep out! And you droolers put that tongue behind those stained teeth.


  1. Soumya? I am surprised. Pleasantly of course, and lets just leave it at that. And yes, "I-found-these-on-my-cleavage-are-these-your-eyeballs types" reminds me of Sienfeld... "you don't stare at 'em..."
    Between, what camera do you use?

  2. wow.. this almost reminds me of maddox square. tis place is heaven for bird watching during the pujas.......oh!!!!!!i love to be there.....

  3. lol!!! this post rocked saumya! im going to insert a few excerpts on my blog...(if u permit)....

  4. No matter how I try, I can't dissociate this kind of bird watching from flirting.

    What good does "making someone feel good" do you if it doesn't lead to something MORE rewarding?

  5. Shivangi, the camera's from the lower rungs of the Sony series. It's a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-S40

    Dwaipayan, Pujas are a birdwatcher's dream come true

    Gypsy, feel free. You're always welcome to.

    Abaniko, it is that disassociation that makes it an art. "Making someone feel good," that 'someone' includes the birdwatcher too

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Soumyadip, such depth of vision! I totally had a good time reading your post. Hey what's the opposite of "bird watching?"

    Maybe you ought write a book "Bird watching for everyone"! I'm sure there will be loads of takers!:)


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