Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Little Bundle of Happiness

Little Bundle of Happiness
This post is a month and 22 days late. But I had to wait for the photographs. My lazy and now preoccupied brother was too busy changing nappies to let me have a look at the newest addition to the family. And when I did, I was preoccupied with the viewing them over and over again.

There's a little baby inside us, which finds vent whenever it interacts with someone from the same age group. Why else do we all go, "Oooh gulugulu, aaanana coochocoochocoo?" I say that to his photographs. Wonder what else I'll tell him when I meet him? He talks to me over the phone, says "hello" in his baby talk and I respond accordingly. Can't just wait to hold him on my lap, tell him all the wonderful stories, sing him lullabies (my singing has the potential to awaken a sleeping Kumbhakaran). It's been quite a long time since someone wet my shirt, and I smiled.

But the new job doesn't entitle me to leaves before three months of association. He can't possibly grow up so much in three months, so as not to comprehend my baby talk. Till then I'll keep the dry run on with the pics on my PC.


  1. He is absolutely adorable......

  2. You've made my day with this post.Reminded me when I met my niece only 4 months of age.It was the first time some one had burped white curdy stuff out on my shirt and I had smiled.

  3. Hey!!
    Very cute baby... Yes, Babies are so much fun to be with.... And watching them grow is amazing!!!! I wish you get sometime soon to spend with your nephew...
    Till them, cooochiii choochoo... yes, The baby is us will react in full swing if it sees another baby (even if it is a photoo!!)
    Have fun!

  4. hey, the kid is so sweet. i showed him to mom. and waiting for mukta to show her the pic....and ye, let the baby wet ur trousers

  5. hope you get to meet that oooooooooohhhhh soooooooooooooo cute sweetie pie, soon...

    i LOVE babies!!!

  6. You better show my man BUSH a good time while he's over there Sou. ;)

    Hope all is well.

  7. Cute and sweet.

    Every one has a child within that comes to the forefront when we see children playing or when we interact them.

    nice thought.

  8. Bang on! I am doing exactly that too....

    My sis had a baby on the 3rd of Jan..and I am in NY!!

    Will get to see him only in May...
    till then I am talking to the desk top...

  9. Bush has screwed up traffic where I work also. Part of the tight security. Hey, I here the US is going to give your country some atomic fuel for PEACEFUL REACTORS.

    Do I have your word you won't make more nukes out of it? LOL

    Take Care ;)

  10. congratulations! speakng from personal experience, i think i'd rather avoid a wet lap. babies are good to goooggaa over but only when their nappies have been changed.

  11. Very cute! What a bundle of joy!

  12. Cute! Innocence in eyes! Hard to spot in grown-ups.

  13. That baby is the pic is cho chweet! Can have some pics please? :)

  14. Your newest addition to the family is a sweetheart. I love that phogla smile!

    I love babies from a distance.


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