Friday, February 17, 2006

The Mystery of the Missing Scroll

A café whose customers sit at computer terminals and log on to the internet while they eat and drink is called a cybercafé - though it was only once when I did sip some coffee at one of these places. That if you exclude the initial days at my previous workplace which we referred to as a cybercafé where you're paid to surf (and the coffee was free).

These places have definitely come a long way from those snaily slow single dialup connection split amongst five (if not more) PCs and that too @ Rs. 120/hour. But something there doesn't seem ephemeral - the mice with their tails stuck in a box. In no cybercafé that I remember visiting had a small luxury in the form of a wheel between the left and the right buttons of the mouse that perhaps makes web navigation a trifle easier.

It's not that a scroll mouse costs a fortune more, but the simple economics that without the wheel the customer will remain stuck to his/her seat for a little longer. The time spent being directly proportional to the money earned. But with surfing rates existing at an awesomely affordable rate of Rs. 8/hour, how much extra dough with the café operator knead?

Someone said, "Boond boond se bharta sagar ('tis little droplets that maketh the ocean)."


  1. Shutter-happy Soum >> Adobe-happy Soum?

  2. finally u updated it. and ye, i remember, when i started surfing it was 35 rsper hour. but now it's 10rs per hour only

  3. But where I compose my musings it is a cool 25rs/p/h! Too much but the mouse does have a wheel, moreover it's an optical scroll and most importantly it is near to my house.

  4. Man!!!
    I would call your blog "Great thoughts about small things". Amazing writing of very finer aspects in life :). I wish you write more such articles (Hope you have some time for that!!)
    And, yes, mice are what I hate to go to cybercafes. But, they cannot afford to invest in optical mice as you yourself have pointed out about the margins they operate on :)
    Good thoughts!!

  5. 8/hr ?? Do u have those rates anywhere???

    Btw ... how come u look like da singer Vikas Bhalla?

  6. u look like valla!!!!!!!!!ha ha ha!!!!!!

  7. cybercafe's are far too expensive here in the UK, not worth the hassle half the time with the waiting times and the security hassles.

    Oh and I agree with termites you do look like mr Vikas Bhalla - but thats a good thing as he is rather cute too ;)

  8. Atul When the shutter happiness doesn't bring forth the desired results, you gotta be Adobe happy

    Dwaipayan The rates are crashing and did you notice how cheap broadband is fast becoming?

    Shubhajit The coincidence of coincidences is that the cybercafe from where I usually blog (no connection at home and too busy at the office) has got new mice which a wheel on their backs. Maybe the owner visits this blog?

    Venkat COMING SOON! Greater thoughts about smaller thoughts

    Termite Rs. 8/hour, I used to surf at those rates during my university days in Bhopal. Though the speed matched the price.

    And did you say Vikas Bhalla? Yes, HE looks like ME. (Lucky him)

    Dwaipayan Ha! Ha! here too. Seems that the Termite didn't see the 'real' me?

    Sangeeta Long time, no write? Good to see you back. Pity that ABP Group's Sunday closed down. They had a look alike contest (Separated at Birth) and the termite would've got some cash too (With my cut paid, ofcourse)

  9. I AM a Democrat, but I vote Republican.;)
    Take Care

  10. Hey, tell me about a scroll mouse. I never noticed whether cafes have them or not, but I know that they make surfing infinitely easier!! :D

  11. Economics rules Soumyadip....your entire lifespan is governed between the theory of demand and supply!

  12. The wheel mouse is a godsend. I know what you mean. The comp at ofice has the uber friendly wheel mouse but my comp at home doesn't and it's a strain to manually scroll up and down. But of late in cyber cafe's, I have seen wheel mouse and a PLASMA SCREEN monitor! How cool is that? Makes all the comps that I work on feel dated!


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