Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How Many Babies Did You Kill Today?

say no to dowry. stop female foeticide

Spread the word against dowry and female foeticide. Copy and paste the following code on your blog. Change attributes (alignment, size) to suit your requirements.

Code box (white background)

Code box (black background)

Crusaders for the cause:

* San [April 26, 2006]
* Accidental Fame Junkie [April 28, 2006]
* Atul Sabnis [April 30, 2006]
* Educatedunemployed [May 3, 2006]
* Aquamarine [May 4, 2006]
* Elise Balance [May 14, 2006]
* Aklanta [May 14, 2006]


  1. dowry, here's a subject that people havent mentioned in a while now. But just because we aren't discussing the issues surrounding this disgusting act doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Shame on all those who still continue spreading such filth in our communities.

  2. cool looks man.. didn't know..
    I was on a break... Forced Hiatus

  3. This is a serious issue and it needs all the attention we can give.

  4. Amazing. The way this issue is dealt here with-is amazing. And the way it's presented--ultra cool.
    Hope dowry is a word of the past in let's say another ten years!

  5. It is heartening to see men take initiative on stoppig dowry...well done!!

    Also..have visited after a while...great new look...

    PS: I am huge cutting chai fan!! :)

  6. Yup, I'm with you on this. It requires maximum exposure, so I did my bit by posting the link on my blog as well.

  7. Thanks guys for spreading the message.

  8. i ll put it on my blog as soon as possible... struggling with for the moment...

    keep it up!

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