Monday, May 08, 2006

Isspecial Cutting Chai - May 2006

The second Isspecial Cutting Chai (May 2006) is offered to The Comic Project. I needn't again elaborate the reasons; they are there on the post about TCP's first anniversary.

The Comic Project
Previous sippers:

April 2006: Accidental Fame Junkie of South of the Border, West of the Sun


  1. I agree with Soumyadip: TCP totally deserves it. It is probably the only blog that doubles up an online Indian comic museum.

    Congrats TCP!

  2. The name is same but the chai tastes different.

  3. i've just checked taht site out - pretty impressive :)

  4. slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp :-) slurrrrrpp slurrrrrrrrppp ...dubuk..dubuk...munch munch munch...slurrrrrrppp..aah.. very tasty..Assam?

    Thanks :)

  5. AFJ TCP wholesomely deserving.

    Off topicEven the name's a wee bit different that's 'Cutting Chai With Arun Krishnan.' But surprisingly for such common a practice there are only two of us?

    San Comics usually don't fail to impress.

    TCP Finally, the guest of honour had his sip. Will try to make this virtual practice a little more tangible.


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