Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Football World Cup Schedule

I know the newspapers and the magazines provide double spreads of the same thing and in a more colourful manner. But that shouldn't restrict me from making my own printable Football / Soccer World Cup schedule / calendar. Mine fits into two A4 size pages and is monochrome (well almost) and is according to IST (Indian Standard Time +530 GMT). Anyone who wishes to have an alternative and frill less 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany schedule can download it from the given links (do I need to mention the word 'free). Enjoy the game.

[doc 100 KB]
[pdf 46 KB] [Download Acrobat Reader]


  1. oh well seeing as it's free and designed by you .. how can one say no :) (even if it is in the wrong time zone for me)

  2. its an interesting blog.

  3. luvved ur Isspecial! Simple, neat and crisp. My isshtyle:).

  4. San I'm elated.

    Divya Thanks.

    EAL Go anyone but Brazil.

    Aqua Great minds think alike.


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