Sunday, July 16, 2006

Shillong Snaps - III

More Umiam Lake

Lake Side Grass
Lake Side Grass

Lonely Tree
Lonely Tree

A View From the Bridge
A View From the Bridge


  1. Lake side grass is awesome! U must take me to Shillong, sowmya...yup,,im shutter happy...big time...will post the pics over the weekend i guess...i took a few at Blore....will mail u..wanna know how to upload videos on to my blog..

  2. hey, i invited u on google talk - sn

    btw,u never said anythign about taking me to shillong;)

  3. while taking photos of esp. water bodies, keep in mind to keep the horizon level. that way, the aesthetic quality of the pic is enhanced. one of the few photo rules, that are there. you may break it, but then the attention should not be on the water body itself but elsewhere.

  4. Aquamarine Waiting for your pics. I'll send you the video uploading info - it's as easy as most things. And I will take you to Shillong - that's a promise.

    Anonymous Thanks, as always, for the tip. It is therefore I post the pics online - to get feedback like yours.

  5. Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »

  6. Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »


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