Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Page from the Past

The Hindustan Times November 18, 1978

The Hindustan Times November 18, 1978


  1. I think the newspapers looked much better back then without the sickening color ads on the front page!

  2. you keep old papers or just special ones?

    I'm glad they have most newspapers compact size here, especially Guardian. Makes it much more easier to read now.

  3. Prathibimba Back then there was so much to read. Now there's more to see and little to read. Now that I lament that.

    San Usually only the special ones. This one's a little extra special. And I had manually dug this one out from the dusty HT archives.

    Indian newspapers have all followed suit.

  4. Hey aren't you a scorpion too.. Was this paper printed on the day you were born?? I am curious as hell..The date says 18th Nov 1978...

    I'm excited anyway..It is a real paper right..I was all of 2 weeks that day..And it costed 35 paise.Ha ha and the paper talks of exams why am I not surprised..

    Ok I better stop before I sound completely delerious..

  5. In any case..Happy birthday..I know you get older some time now..:D

  6. EducatedUnemployed (Comment 1) Yes, I think so. No you're not delirious, just correct.

    (Comment 2) Thank you. Thank you. Of all the readers of this only you could comprehend this post.

  7. I was very giddy with excitement.I couldn't stop wondering what it must have been like to actually hold a news paper that special* refer to your comment to San's.

    Hence the delirium.And what can I say,it takes one scorpion to appreciate another* refer to your response to my second comment.

    I am still smiling.


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