Friday, February 23, 2007

Indibloggies 2006: The Results

Stats - Best Topical IndiblogThe verdict's out. And Cutting the Chai got 41 votes (seventh amongst the 19 in the 'Best Topical Indiblog' category). Nine people had confirmed that they did vote for this blog (I expected at the most 17 votes). Thanks to them and the other 32. Four blogs that I voted for, won in their respective categories.

The Great Bong is the 'Best Indiblog of the Year' and also the 'Most Humorous Indiblog.' And Digital Inspiration is the 'Best Science/Technology Indiblog.' For the rest of the list go here.

Since they didn't have any badges for the nominees to show off, I made one for myself.

[Click on image for detailed view]


  1. ok.... u didnt win... but keep trying... and i'll keep voting for u

  2. do i sense a desire for deedreams here :(


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