Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Indian Air Force Turns 75

Yesterday - October 8, 2007 - marked the 75th anniversary of the Indian Air Force.
The Indian Air Force was officially established on 8 October 1932.Its first ac flight came into being on 01 Apr 1933. It possessed a strength of six RAF-trained officers and 19 Havai Sepoys (literally, air soldiers). The aircraft inventory comprised of four Westland Wapiti IIA army co-operation biplanes at Drigh Road as the "A" Flight nucleus of the planned No.1 (Army Co-operation) Squadron.

I had found this nice video on the IAF somewhere online a long time ago, thought of posting it yesterday but was preoccupied. Here it is:

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  1. Its my favourite.I am Feeling happy On Getting This Video But I Have a complaint also about Video quality.

  2. Anonymous: Sorry about the video quality. I intentionally compromise on the quality of the videos on this blog to keep the file sizes lighter, so that they play smoothly even on narrow bandwidth connections.


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