Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Bahadur that was Sam

Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw
Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw
[April 3, 1914 – June 27, 2008]

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but growing up in a post-Independence India devoid of heroes, he was one of the few our elders taught us to adulate.

I studied for a few years at the Kendriya Vidyalaya (Central School) at Happy Valley, Shillong, which is set amidst the 58 Gorkha Training Centre (58 here stands for 5 and 8). And there dedicated to the now departed Field Marshall and honorary Gorkha is a museum. The next time I visit home will make it a point to say hi to Sam Bahadur memorabilia.

But, the political leadership and the top military brass do not seem to share similar sentiments.
...the day of his last journey, seemed to be just another day in office for the political leadership and top military brass.

Right down from President Pratibha Patil, also the supreme commander of the armed forces, and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to defence minister A K Antony and the three Service chiefs, none attended the "state funeral" of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw at Wellington on Friday.


  1. I still remember listening to my uncle tell me his military life and about Manekshaw and the 1971 war. Yes, I regret that a military icon like him is worth more than all these silly politicians who are hogging the limelight.

  2. may his soul rest in peace.


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