Thursday, August 28, 2008

Shaan and Shenaz in 1992 Force 10 Ad?

A 1992 ad for Liberty Force 10 shoes. They were quite popular those days. The models do look very familiar. The boy seems to be Shaan (Shantanu Mukherjee), the singer, and the girl has a strong resemblance with Shenaz Treasurywala, the model-turned-VJ-turned-actress-turned-travel-writer.

But I have some doubts about the girl being Shenaz (or for that matter her actual age). Her date of birth according to online sources is June 29, 1981; the magazine (Debonair) I scanned this ad from is dated June 1992, and she doesn't look like an 11-year-old here.

Update: Amit Mukherjee from Montage Advertising (the agency behind this ad) has confirmed that the models are indeed Shaan and Shenaz. Now I only doubt Shenaz's age.

Liberty Force 10 - Shaan and Shenaz
Years of living next door
to each other.
Good friends. That's what we were.
Until ...
Fingers crossed, I proposed.
As I watched nervously,
She high stepped and clapped!
I felt I was fallling though the
blue, blue skies!

Force 10
It's like walking on air!

Agency: Montage


  1. I think she is shenaz only. she always looked a bit bulkier than other galz of her age, she looks like 12-13 if not 11 (and we all know online sources have 2-3 years buffer esp. in case of female artists) ;)

  2. Resemblance is there...but i think
    No Shenaz and No Shaan.

  3. Alok, Vinayak: To lay the argument to rest, I've mailed the guys at Montage Advertising for a verification, as they have been handling the Liberty Shoes account.

    Will post the response, if I receive one.

  4. Hey Soumyadip take a look at a recent post of mine here
    It's an old sari ad from 1972...I think it features Persis Khambatta.
    But the model is not bald so it's a bit hard to guess :)

  5. Vinayak: It seems to be Persis. Even the image overlap test it I performed on her images say the same.

  6. Got a response from Amit Mukherjee at Montage Advertising and he has verified that the models are indeed Shaan and Shenaz.

  7. That image test leave no doubt...thanks!

    As for Shenaz...I think she now qualifies as a case study for Shahid Afridi timewrap effect.


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