Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Google Adsense 'View Ads About' Unit

Google Adsense  View Ads About(This is not to be confused with Google Adsense for Search) Google seems to have launched this new feature in their Adsense ad units. I didn't notice it earlier.

On this blog, between the search box and the first displayed post I have a line of Google Link Ads. A little while ago I noticed a small search box there (am not sure whether it would be there when you visit this page). It said, "View ads about". Your query would take you to a listing page of ads that match the keyword you have entered.

But I'm not impressed. First it looks bad. The arrows in the submit button are improperly aligned and it spoils the look of my blog. Having one search box below another is not my idea of monetisation.

This might be a part of the new Google endeavour to improve their ads.

Moreover, I don't expect people to actually search for ads. Yes, I know that they do, but that is in sites and blogs like Cutting the Chai and the purpose is entirely different.

Initially people would give it a try out of curiosity, but it would fade away as thhe novelty value wanes.


  1. It isn't a new format. I have seen more than a year ago when i first tested the link units. I too don't like it... looks kind of spammy.

  2. Vinakay: It mustn't have been popular, therefore I didn't see it anywhere. Hope it doesn't reappear on my blog again.

  3. i still have that problem on my site :( do you know any idea about how to get rid of it and get back my regular ads unit?


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