Now you can embed your customised Cutting the Chai widget at (almost) any place online - blog, Twitter, Facebook, iGoogle, iPhone, Netvibes, Pageflakes, Windows Live...
In case you also need this blog on your fridge door - print this page and use a magnet to stick it there.
Powered by Grazr, I found it to be a worthwhile enhancement for this blog.
Click on the 'Share' link on the widget to do whatever you want to do with it. You can also customise the look and feel.
Or if you have a weakness for blocks of code, here it is:
Adjust the dimensions (and other stuff) if you need to.
The above widget displays only the consolidated feed for all the latest posts on Cutting the Chai. But many of you might have a preference for only a/some specific flavours. You can get a widget to display only those posts filed under a particular label/category of your choice. Pick your pick from the dropdown list below.
And I hope that some people might yet just prefer the good old way of physically visiting webpages.
think i'll stick to wondering here and there for now.