Monday, October 20, 2008

Cutting the Chai via SMS

Cutting the Chai via SMSIn addition to the existing RSS/Atom feeds and Email alerts you can now subscribe to Cutting the Chai updates via SMS (courtesy Google SMS Channels).

You can either go here and do the needful (need to have a Google account) or

'ON CuttingtheChai'
to 9870807070

You'll then receive a confirmation message and the last message posted on CuttingtheChai channel.

There are also provisions to fine tune the delivery of SMSes (time, quantity etc) as per your requirements.

And yes, it's free (you might need to pay - standard rates - for the subscription SMS if you are registering via phone).

If you have any further queries, you'll find the answers here.

1 comment:

  1. sms updates - think i'll pass on that subscription for now. but a good option for the fans ey.


Rave, rant... whatever (except spam and abuse, which'll be promptly deleted).

Alternatively, you can email me at or send a text message to +91 9911155171 (Text only number).