Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Watch Ghajini Gajodhar Online Now

Gajodhar PosterMy level of liking for Aamir Khan seems to be getting lower by the day. But this isn't what this post is about.

The funny guys at Webchutney have come up with a new viral for

This esentially is a spoof on Ghajini and like everything about Aamir Khan has only Aamir in the ad (with the exception of the tattoo artist).

The disclaimer reads, "Before we forget, the character portrayed here is completely fictitious (and NOT a perfectionist). Resemblance to any real-life person(s) is purely accidental."


Download video [00:02:21 FLV 2.79 MB]


  1. wll i belive this is just too good
    havnt seen somthing like this before ..waaaooooooooooo
    webchutney you rock ...jut simply rock

  2. hey this was one smart take.. great job by the Webchutney guys & the guys at who saw a good opp and used it well. enjoyed enjoyed. enjoyed.

  3. OMG,
    Many thanks soumyadip, for sharing this hilarious spoof!


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