Friday, December 09, 2005

St. Edmund's College - Since 1923

St. Edmund's College, Shillong

St. Edmund's College, Shillong
St. Edmund's College, Shillong
St. Edmund's College, Shillong
St. Edmund's College, Shillong
St. Edmund's College, Shillong
St. Edmund's College, Shillong
St. Edmund's College, Shillong
St. Edmund's College, Shillong

Update: April, 18, 2006

Links to more photographs and a video of St. Edmund's College, Shillong are available here [Goodies for Edmundians]


  1. it must be ur college. and if it is, envy u. presi gave me and is still giving me everything . but i love that lane and the fallen leaves. well, we have a lover's lane nad our own hang outs in the college which have a charm of their own, but after all.......presi is not in a hilly region!!!!!!!

  2. St. Edmunds, St. Anthony's... I remember when i went with my grandpa to St. Edmunds to meet my uncle who was studying there. It was 1988... It was my first time in Shillong, and the only photograph we could find of my grandpa( after he died) was the one we took in shillong.. Brings back loving memory

  3. Did you take those pictures? THEY ARE FANTASTIC MAN!!!
    i totally flipped on the top view of the winding lane, as well as the fallen leaves - the angle is just superb.
    came here through thalasa

  4. Oooooo ma! Why do you keep posting such beautiful pics? They make me yearn for a vacction. :)
    BTW, is that your college?

  5. the photos are dark, they need to be lightened up for web viewing. do in the needful in a photo-editing sw.

  6. I have spent three wonderful years in there, studying, playing, flirting and what not. And many more wandering around its colossal campus. Thanks anonymous, for the tip. I tried to brighten it up, but that somewhat spoils the mood. I like it this way only. Anyway, the weather in Shillong is 'like this only.'

  7. Wow! I have no words. Simply beautiful and poignant because of the empty campus.

  8. Wow, I'm floored. U r one lucky guy..:)

    Shillong, here I come!


  9. Hit upon your blog while searching on Shillong, a place I haven't visited in 10 years and miss dearly. Nice to see St Edmund's college looks just the same... great photos. You mention Karimganj in your posts, you should post photos if you have any. Although I never really lived in the north-east, my parents did; and I have fond memories of those places from my childhood. Thank you for bringing them back.

  10. edmunds5.jpg is undoubtedly hte most remarkable pix. too good

  11. Ahh

  12. Thanks for posting those lovely snaps. Made me nostalgic. I spent 12 years on that campus - 12 formative years that have made me what I am today. Even now, whenever I happen to visit Shillong, I make a pilgrimage to Edmund's. Pity that most of the old, wooden buildings have been demolished. But, I still haven't seen another campus that is even a patch on St Edmund's, Shillong. It is my regret that I now live elsewhere and my son does not study in St Edmund's.

  13. Soumyadip

    Thanks for making me nostalgic as my mind fleets thru memory lane ...1975 to 1987 were 12 long years that I cherish and dream of and yearn that those days come back...again and again.....alas !!!

    The winding lane and the steps (in your last pic) were treaded by me for 10 long years to reach school and the playgrounds left me spellbound.
    As I ponder over fond memories, sitting in a pile of concrete in Los Angeles ...I can vividly recollect our anthem...SEC for St. in every field...remember?

    Debasish Datta

  14. Lovely pics. I know of a Yahoo eGroup of st.edmunds shillong.over 200 edmunds alumni there from the 1940's to the more recent:

  15. Thanks my dear friend and fellow Edmundian Brother. These pictures brought a tear in the corner of my eye. How I miss that winding tree lined lane in between the first and the second playground. Used to run around sans cares or worries as a kid down that hallowed pathaway. I miss that, I hope I can return someday and see it again in person.


  16. Man that brings out memories.....

  17. hi
    this is Diku
    was an edmundian for 15 years.. no i did not flunk i was there since school days right unntil i graduated. man u did some good job there with the pix. i have some too i'll try and post them some time soon meantime do check my blog

    tc bye

  18. i would bunk my classes but would still come to college to hang around the campus.i would sit with my friends on the side of the path above the basketball court,eating 'channa mix' and checking out the guys.the enviroment of st.edmund's is is unforgetable.

  19. The pictures speak volumes of the Great St.Edmunds(got to see beyond them). They speak greater of the Edmundians themselves but only an Edmundian would know of such greatness. These photographs connects one with the instituion, the Brothers and most importantly with the Geater Edmundian Family. There are millions of us around.
    fabian (1994)

  20. the pics are great. very much missing my sec my alma mater

  21. Ever since I left the Campus of SEC(after a long 15 years)....visiting it has become more of a pilgrimage for me. I make it a point to visit Shillong atleast twice a year and trip to Edmunds is a must-must. There has never been a better walk.. along the beaten tracks, so beautifully captured in your pictures.
    Back in School days the walk past the Chappel had been the best part ...not for any divine reasons... well divine i should say...the Statue of Mother Mary.. and the little dole-outs of cash that we used to get just under the statue...
    Man your photographs have made me nostalgic .. to say the least..

  22. now i'm seeing this pictures for the 2nd time. and i like them more. coz now i can feel the pictures. the visit to this college is simply awesome.

    it's a fact that no college in this world will ever be as good asPresi to me. but i'm just bowled out by the warm welcoming atmosphere,the hilly campus, the girls lirking in the campus, and everything else..

    the only college where i felt like spending time..After Presi, of course...

  23. Hey there all!
    Just wanted to put in a small note to inform all Edmunians who visit that the Dibrugarh chapter of "SEPPA" [St. Edmund's Past Pupils Association] is organizing the 2007 Re-Union sometime in February 2007, at Dibrugarh, Assam, India.
    Those interested may contact me at I studied there from 1948 to 1953 and would like to take this opportunity to also invite old Edmunians to join in and take part in the re-union.

  24. Great snaps of the college. Do you mind if i download the st. eds logo from your site...its pretty well done. The school website is going to be up shortly...for those interested. Will post the url once it is

  25. BTW the college may be found here
    you might also want to have a look at the St. Mary's College web site

  26. Sameer Please feel free to use any of the images. In case you need higher resolution images, just send me an email on the id mentioned in the profile.

  27. Hi this is franklin richard I was in this college in the year 1992 way back (I am not so old still young at heart). This pictures has brought tears in my eyes the road and the fallen leaves (so touching). It was in the same road I used to come out of my BT hostel. This is where my girlfriend Seema used to visit me. I miss both of them now.

  28. hey there, i'm Bertrand, currently studying in St. Edmund's College... as most of you now know, we have an official website:

    check it out if you were a past, a current or will be joining the college... i also invite all the casual browsers... we have a rich heritage and we hope to continue the legacy for many many many more years... if you have any suggestions for the website do email me at : i'll make sure that these suggestions are passed on to my teachers... cheers...

  29. Hi..beautiful pics..even i have been part fo this prestigious college and these pics reminds me of the wonderful days i had spent there...good learing...good fun !!!

  30. Once upon a time 'Shillong' was called as the 'Scotland of the EAST' & down the memory lane where does this road (should I call it a 'vista'?!)take to ?! ... Reminding me some of the lines of Tagore's most famous song 'e poth gechhey konkhane go ke jane ta ke jane' ... Don't know where does this lonely road end and where we are going but still one should continue his/her journey along the path of life ... So keep on posting such nice pics.

  31. great pics man!!!!!i was a student of both edmund's school and college,
    and i totally freaked out on the pics.really made me nostalgic and send me back to those good ol' days

  32. The face of St. Edmund's College, Shillong has changed. There are multi-storied buildings at the entrance (on the Shillong-Jowai Road). The canteen is housed in one of these concrete structures. I was a student during 1987-1992. Double gold medalist - 1st Position in PU (Arts) in 1989 and 1st Class 1st B.A. (Hons)-Geography in 1992. I'm in Delhi now and would like to get in touch with my batch mates, if you know of any.

  33. Hi! man, thanks for the pics. They remind me of my two-year (1983-84) stay there, I now cherish more that I am a part of this great institution than while I was there as a student.
    What wrong with SEC alumni web page?
    LH, Aizawl


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