Saturday, June 24, 2006

Vintage Indian Advertisements - XII

This is the twelfth and the last instalment in Season One of Vintage Indian Advertisements, which was exclusively sourced from the pages of Indrajal Comics (Courtesy: The Comic Project). Will attempt to bring in some more variety in Season Two (maybe some television commercials). What I intend to do is to develop an online freely accessible archive of Indian advertising. If anyone has some old and interesting ads to share, please do send them across at the email mentioned in the profile. Now to the ads:

[Click on the images for a bigger view]


United Commercial Bank (UCO Bank)
United Commercial Bank (UCO Bank)

View Master - Stereo Viewer
View Master - Stereo Viewer

View Master - Stereo Viewer
View Master - Stereo Viewer

Russian Postage Stamps
Russian Postage Stamps

Russian Postage Stamps
Russian Postage Stamps

Previous instalments of vintage Indian ads
First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth | Ninth | Tenth | Evelenth

Update: Season Two of Vintage Indian Advertisements can be accessed here


Rave, rant... whatever (except spam and abuse, which'll be promptly deleted).

Alternatively, you can email me at or send a text message to +91 9911155171 (Text only number).