Thursday, January 03, 2008

2007 - In Retrospect

At Cutting the Chai, 2007 wasn't a very exciting year. Though the number of pageviews and visitors have doubled since 2006, I couldn't post quite as often as I did the year before last.

Consequently, the number of comments have also dried down to a trickle. And the way things are going now, I don't see much of a shift in trend this year too, but I'll try my best to make amends.

Some readers have pointed this out that this blog is losing its personal touch and I agree. Though it is easy to blame frequent job switches or other pressures, but I believe that I have blogged better in harsher conditions.

Now looking back at the year past. There have been 149 posts on this blog reflecting 2007 on the timestamp - that makes it an average of 2.87 posts a week (not bad by casual blogging standards). And the top ten posts (by number of visits) of 2007 were (this excludes posts from previous years):

1. Download Old Hindi Songs (for Free)
The "Download" and "Free" combination works like magic

2. Review: LG KG300 (Dynamite)
This is the phone I (presently) own - and it has attracted a decent number of eyeballs

3. The Best Bollywood Love Songs Ever
Love is still a potent force

4. Sexy Indian Ads
Quite obvious, but I expected this post to higher up on the list

5. Indian Cigarette Ads from 1800s to 2000s
This one took some effort in the making

6. Indian Idol 3 - A City Turns Loony
These stupid 'talent' shows are quite popular, everywhere. Amit Paul's childhood pics as a bonus gave that extra appeal

7. Top Indian Internet Scandals
Since there existed list(s) of the top internet scandals of the world, I thought of conjuring up one India specific

8. Mile Sur Mera Tumhara (with Subtitles and Credits)
The video has been floating around for quite some time, and the value addition helped

9. Condoms for Desi Porn Watchers
Condoms and porn - another potent combo

10. Sarabhai Versus Sarabhai: Select Shots
My favourite desi sitcom has a substantial fan following. But sadly, the typical, intolerable and stretched saas-bahu still rule

And here's my pick of the best Cutting the Chai sips from 2007 (in no particular order):

* Top Indian Internet Scandals

* Sarabhai Versus Sarabhai: Select Shots

* Now This is What I Call Vintage

* The Megapixel Hoax

* Before Purchasing Online, Check Prices Offline

* Pillion Riding with Che

* The World's Most Beautiful News Anchor

* Hindustan Ka Dil Dekho

* Essential Free Software for Your PC

* Painted Dreams

* Watch Movies on Your Mobile

* Sexy Indian Ads

* Drop Down Label Feed for New Blogger

* Better than RGV Ki Aag?

* Shock Value Advertising

The top keywords used by people to land on this blog via the search engines (may the almighty continue to bless them) were (in order of visits):

1. free download old hindi songs
2. download old hindi songs
3. desi porn
4. old hindi songs
5. cutting the chai
6. buxom babes
7. old hindi songs free download
8. indian advertisements
9. ankita jhaveri
10. free old hindi songs

The most visitors came from the following countries:

1. India
2. United States
3. United Kingdom
4. Canada
5. Pakistan
6. UAE
7. Singapore
8. Malaysia
10. Germany


  1. Congratulations on making it to another year.

    I concur I miss the personal posts and I enjoyed reading your perspectives on various issues.

    But then I also feel that a blogger has the freedom to do what he pleases with his blog.So..

  2. EducatedUnemployed: I think the best blogging is spontaneous blogging. From now on I'll try to keep it that way.


Rave, rant... whatever (except spam and abuse, which'll be promptly deleted).

Alternatively, you can email me at or send a text message to +91 9911155171 (Text only number).