Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lemax Jeans' Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins, in a way, summarises a day in the life of the Chaiwallah. And they sound so much more appealing in Latin: luxuria (lust), gula (gluttony), avaritia (greed), acedia (sloth), ira (wrath), invidia (envy) and superbia (pride).

Envy - Be thy neighbour's envy
Envy - Be thy neighbour's envy
Lemax The Jean Co.

Gluttony - Bite more than you can chew
Gluttony - Bite more than you can chew
Lemax The Jean Co.

Greed - Want more than you shall need
Greed - Want more than you shall need
Lemax The Jean Co.

Lust - Leave a lusting impression
Lemax The Jean Co.

Pride - Narcissism be thy religion
Pride - Narcissism be thy religion
Lemax The Jean Co.

Sloth - Thou shall love inertia
Sloth - Thou shall love inertia
Lemax The Jean Co.

Wrath - Thou shall not hold back thy fury
Wrath - Thou shall not hold back thy fury
Lemax The Jean Co.

And in case you haven't noticed, there is an apple (partially eaten) in each of them. Apple - the original sin.

A couple of other Seven Sins ads from other countries:

Seven Sins on five floors
Seven Sins on five floors
Harvey Nicols Beauty

(Harvey Nicols is an upmarket department store chain)

Seven special programmes to lead you astray
The Seven Deadly Sins
Seven special programmes to lead you astray
13ème Rue
The Crime Channel

(13ème Rue is a French cable channel)

Algida Magnum 7 Sins

The language might be different, but we get the meaning. Magnum had also released individual ads focussing on each of the Seven Deadly Sins.

(Algida is Wall's, the ice-cream manufacturer, in Italy)

And if these ads have tickled your inner sinner and now you want delve deeper. Here's, for you, Frederick Rogers' 1907 book The Seven Deadly Sins:

Related posts:· Blue Jeans in my Genes
· Lee Ad: Jeans Fetish
· Denim Drool: Numero Uno Ads
·Dangerously Low - The Full Version
·Durex Apple: The Original Temptation

1 comment:

  1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away - old saying


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