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Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Blog Relay Race - My Run

This tag thing reminds me of the relay races I used to participate in at school and never won. I with my non-athletic traits, I was usually the weakest link in the chain. As they say 'the chain is as strong as the weakest link.'

Atul has passed the baton to me and I'm doing my bit in this 7 X 5 X n race.

Seven things that I plan to do (I've no idea regarding the how and when)

1. Make a movie
2. Live in the Himalayas
3. Be my own boss
4. Earn enough
5. Have kids
6. Win an Olympic Gold (haven't decided on the discipline though)
7. Join politics (there's not enough muck out there)

Seven things that I can do

1. Forget the most important of things
2. Ride a bicycle
3. Count in reverse from 100 to 1
4. Wiggle my ears (Again)
5. Find faults in me
6. Work on the PC 10 hours at work and another 4-6 at home
7. Paint (Fences, walls, chairs and doors. Didn't attempt the roof yet)

Seven things I can’t

1. Type without occasionally looking at the keyboard
2. Type confidently with the spelling and grammar check off
3. Play any musical instrument (We have something in common here Atul)
4. Swim
5. Say a firm no (Someone with a similar disability said that he was lucky to be born male or he'd have been forever pregnant)
6. Tell a convincing lie (People usually see through all my lies)
7. Watch those television soaps

Seven things I say most often

1. Ho jayega (Will be done)
2. Damn it
3. No problemo (Another similarity Atul)
4. Kita beta, bhala ni? (Hi man, doin' fine?)
5. F**k
6. Hmmm
7. Koi baat nahin (Same meaning as #3, only in a different language)

Seven people I want to tag (The usual suspects)

1. Abaniko
2. Aklanta
3. Anthony
4. Aquamarine
5. Dwaipayan
6. Greta
7. Varsha


thalassa_mikra said...

Quite a few that I can identify with (making a mental note of things to write - these tags have a way of coming around eventually).

Anonymous said...

your seven things are interesting for us those who professed that we knew you and now find that actually we don't.

Admin said...

Have u read the The new book by Chetan Bhagat, He sure is a good story teller. He sure can narate a NOVEL. The first page ask the reader to think a few things about oneself.. Like what you fear most blah blah.. most difficult thing to do..Like giving a psychometric test.. but sure will give a try. Give me till evening... :-)

Soumyadip said...

No, I'm yet to. I liked his first one - 'Five Point Something.' Plain, simple and something that we can relate to. Waiting for your review Anthony on his latest.

dwaipayan said...

curse u curse u curse u. and what's that. even u can ride a bycycle? i'm the only one who cant?????i really thought that u'd never learn that

Abaniko said...

14 to 16 hours before a computer WORKING? Just wow!

I have done this already. I entitled it pito-pito (seven-seven) - a common term for cheap, hurriedly done Tagalog movies.

Admin said...

hahaha..dwaipayan, its ok. Where would u ever need to ride a bicycle anyway

AquaM said...

The Usual a great movie. Spacey stole the show.

A virtual race. Interesting. Its bin ages since I was a part of a relay race. The last one I remember was during my school days and we won.

Anonymous said...

S: Thanks! That was a cool list. I love the 'earn enough'. says it all, doesnt it? especially if you read it with the other six things that you want to do :D

Anonymous said...

Hey ur list has an uncanny resemblance to mine.

But since i know you for 23 months i can tell u say "Ki Hoya" a lot. That's a punjabification of "What's Happ?", by a bong.!