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Monday, January 09, 2006

There Was a Cold Day

Delhi, 9 January 2006 7:40 AM


Anonymous said...

Fabulous pic. Just wondering if the birds out there are frozen or chirping away to glory...

Admin said...

so I read.. the highest ever rainfall, the hottest day, the coldest day, snowfall in mid east.. real freaky huh?

Shivangi Misra said...

And I was out having a brownie with ice cream at one in the night... ! Life can be fun!

Accidental Fame Junkie said...

How cold was Delhi when you were out clicking snaps?

dwaipayan said...

ok ok. finally i admit that u are a good can we have some of ur wordy posts????

and again u have activated that word verification thing???y man y???

Anonymous said...

Good poster for Bird on a Wire (1990)

Abaniko said...

Underneath them birds is Danger Zone unless you're armed with an umbrella.

Anonymous said...


AquaM said...

U braved the COLD COLD winds to capture this pic. Kudos for ur bravery.

A good pic!

Rita said...

Great pic! How did you got out clicking snaps when Delhi was freezing?