Archived Title Image No. 1
Tonight I've retired the first title image and there's a new one adorning the background space behind the title and description text. A practice I intend to follow on a regular (with irregular periodicity) basis - just to add some variety. The archived image is of a jackfruit tree. Photographed on November 2005 at a village in south Assam, India. The description of the present title pic will appear once it is retired.
Oh wow, you are totally getting me motivated to do something about my own blog.Your commitment to your blog is inspirational.
r u posting n e thing except pictures...
or am i going crazy...
EduUn 'Inspirational commitment,' well I'm getting inspired by comments like this.
Adi They say a pictures tell a thousand words, and posting pictures is definitely much easier than typing out a thousand words. Anyway, the latest post has some words in it (in addition to a picture).
I like both your title images. But I have to select the text to read it. For both.
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