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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

New Man on the Block

MI was there to get my weekly dose of weeklies - Tehelka was there, but the latest 'controversial' issue of Outlook was already sold out (delhi-rious bloggers were already out on the web defending their dear Delhi). A busy month had kept me away from the newsstands, so thought of picking up my copy of Man's World, but was a little put-off seeing Emraan Hashmi on the cover. The paperwallah insisted that I also purchase the newest men's mag. "Bus do din pehle hi release hua hain (it was released only a couple of days ago)," he persisted in a tone resembling my friendly neighbourhood VCD/DVD rental guy. "Only Rs 50," he emphasised.

Imaginatively titled M - this mammoth 260 pager glossy made me miss something, Gentleman. That was quite a decent men's mag. M tries to balance the mental stimulation with the optical kind, but 260 pages is a little bit too much to carry into the bathroom. Anyways, we men haven't had it better - at least we are increasingly having something to read besides the Feminas and the Cosmos.


Anonymous said...

as against feminism, masculinism is not such a talked abt and discussed phenomenon. I guess it has kind of begun - therefore these new magazines coming out there. Even market order is governed by social phenomenon?

Soumyadip said...

Masculinism has raised its head and is already peeping out of the window.

Anonymous said...

I personally found M disappointing. How everyone misses Gentleman!