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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Fill up the Empty Bottles

Old Bottle, New Wine. Happy 2006
December 31, the last puff, the last sip, the one that you don't want to miss. The one everyone wants. Like chain smokers filling up that umpteenth glass this end is a new beginning, of yet another round. To the forthcoming and many more, cheers!


Abaniko said...

Here's to a happier, more abundant life in 2006. Cheers!

aklanta said...

Hick hick hick hurrah...Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

here's one for the for the year...


AquaM said...

cheers!!!!!!Happy New Year!!!!

dwaipayan said...

u r a lucky chap. for me tonights drink is fresh lime soda only!!!!

dwaipayan said...

u r a lucky chap. for me tonights drink is fresh lime soda only!!!!

R said...


Wish you a 2006 full of excitement and adventure..!

Drops of Ocean said...

Happy New Year!!!

Anonymous said...

happy new year soumyadip. coming to the meet on the 2nd?

Anonymous said...

Cheers to you too :)

Accidental Fame Junkie said...

A very Happy New Year to you!!!